Miyerkules, Agosto 24, 2011

Miracles Showing Power Over Disease and Demons

Miracles Showing Power Over Disease and Demons
  Matthew Mark Luke John
A man with leprosy 8.2-4 1.40-42 5.12-13  
A Roman centurion's paralysed servant 8.5-13   7.1-10  
Peter's mother-in-law 8.14-15 1.30-31 4.38-39  
Two demoniacs from Gadara 8.28-34 5.1-15 8.27-35  
A paralysed man 9.2-7 2.3-12 5.18-25  
A woman suffering from haemorrhages 9.20-22 5.25-29 8.43-48  
Two blind men 9.27-31      
A mute demoniac 9.32-33      
A man with a withered hand 12.10-13 3.1-5 6.6-10  
A blind and mute demoniac 12.22   11.14  
A Canaanite woman's demonized daughter 15.21-28 7.24-30    
A young epileptic demoniac 17.14-18 9.17-29 9.38-43  
Two blind men 20.29-34 10.46-52 18.35-43  
A deaf man with a speech impediment   7.31-37    
A man with an unclean spirit   1.23-26 4.33-35  
A blind man at Bethsaida   8.22-26    
A woman crippled by a spirit     13.11-13  
A man with dropsy     14.1-4  
Ten men with leprosy     17.11-19  
The high priest's slave     22.50-51  
A royal official's son at Capernaum       4.46-54
A sick man at the pool of Beth-zatha       5.1-9
A man born blind       9.1-7
Miracles Showing Power Over Nature
  Matthew Mark Luke John
Calming the windstorm on the sea 8.23-27 4.37-41 8.22-25  
Walking on water 14.25 6.48-51   6.19-21
Feeding more than five thousand 14.15-21 6.35-44 9.12-17 6.5-13
Feeding more than four thousand 15.32-38 8.1-9    
A coin in a fish's mouth 17.24-27      
Withering a fig tree 21.18-22 11.12-14,    
Commanding an amazing catch of fish     5.4-11  
Turning water into wine       2.1-11
Commanding another catch of fish       21.1-11
Miracles Showing Power Over Death
  Matthew Mark Luke John
The daughter of Jairus 9.18-19, 5.22-24, 8.41-42  
  23-25 38-42 38-42  
The only son of the widow at Nain     7.11-15  
Lazarus       11.1-44

fr everett corvera, corvera everett, everet corvera

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