Miyerkules, Abril 13, 2011

Jesus Christ, Son of God

"This is the central mystery of Christianity - the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. To save men from their sins, God sent His own Son into the world as a man. The Word of God, the Second Person of the most Blessed Trinity, became man and dwelt amongst us for our salvation. The Son of God is both God and man. He is one divine Person existing in two natures, one divine and the other human. Try as we may, we shall never understand in this present life how the Son of God could become man and still remain God. But this is the mystery of God's love for us which He has revealed to us. Christ Himself, the Son of God in human flesh, proclaimed this stupendous truth. His miracles proved His claim. He was put to death by the Sanhedrin for making this claim. Christ died on the Cross rather than retract it; and He rose from the grave to prove that He, Who was really man, was also really God."
-"My Map of Life" Walter Farrell, OP and Martin J Healy, STD